I found joy in every day life!

I was introduced to Christina 7 years ago, and it quickly became obvious to me that she was on a special spiritual path in life. I, like many, have always been interested in self discovery and bettering myself. At that time, Christina was using and studying many different types of energy healing treatments and self discovery tools. I began seeing Christina for her Reiki healing as well as many other treatments which she offered. Through the course of receiving these treatments and getting to know Christina on a personal level, I found myself becoming stronger and feeling more joy in everyday life. The depression and sadness that I had become complacent with started to dissipate.

I am now a certified yoga teacher; I meditate, and am on my own path of self discovery and enlightenment.

Christina was the initiator and main teacher on my path of healing and self discovering.

I still see Christina for support, guidance, and intuitive healing, so I not only recommend her to those who are suffering mentally, physically, or spiritually,  but for those who are on a path and wish to enrich their journey with her wonderful energy.



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